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Crustacea-Copepoda group


Boxshall, G., and D. Defaye, 2009 August 24, World checklist of freshwater Copepoda species. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available online at [date accessed]

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Editorial Board Database

principal editor   Geoff Boxshall ,
coeditors      Defaye, D.





  • Afanasyeva, E.L., 1977, The biology of Epischura baicalensis. (Nauka, Novosibirsk, 142p).
  • Afanasyeva, E.L., 1995, Calanoida. In: O.A. Timoshkin. Guide and key to pelagic animals of Baikal with ecological notes. (365-405. Russ. Acad. Sci. "Nauka", Novosibirsk.).
  • Afanasyeva, E.L., 1998, Life cycle of Epischura baicalensis Sars (Copepoda, Calanoida) in Lake Baikal. (J. mar. systems 15: 351-357).
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  • Abdel-Malek, S.A. & M.M. Ishak, 1980, Some ecological aspects of Lake Qarun, Fayoum, Egypt. Part II. Production of plankton and benthic organisms (Hydrobiologia 75: 201-208).
  • Abraham, S., 1972, A redescription of Heliodiaptomus cinctus (Gurney, 1907) and Allodiaptomus mirabilipes Kiefer, 1936 (Copepoda, Calanoida) and their occurrence in Cochin backwaters, India. (Crustaceana 22(3): 249-258).
  • Adrian, R., 1997, Calanoid-Cyclopoid interactions: evidence from an 11-year field study in a eutrophic lake. (Freshw. biol. 38: 315-327).
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  • Altaff, K., 2003, Breeding biology of the freshwater copepod, Heliodiaptomus viduus (Gurney) and its prospects as livefood organism. (Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 46 (3): 180-187.).
  • Alvarez, V. & H.G. Kewalramani, 1970, Naupliar development of Pseudodiaptomus ardjuna (Copepoda). (Crustaceana 18: 269-276.).
  • Armengol, J., N. Estrada, A. Guiset, R. Margalef, D. Planas, J. Toja & F. Vallespinos, 1975, Observaciones limnologicas en las lagunas de la Mancha. (Bol. estac. cent. ecol. 4(8): 11-27.).
  • Aman, S. & K. Altaff, 2004, Biochemical profile of Heliodiaptomus viduus, Sinodiaptomus (Rhinediaptomus) indicus, and Mesocyclops aspericornis and their dietary evaluation for postlarvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. (Zool. Stud. 43 (2): 267-275).
  • Amarasinghe, P.B., M. Boersma & J. Vijverberg, 1997, The effect of temperature and food quantity and quality on the growth and development rates in laboratory-cultures copepods and cladocerans from a Sri Lankan reservoir. (Hydrobiologia 350: 131-144.).
  • Amarasinghe, P.B., J. Vijverberg & M. Boersma, 1997, Production biology of copepods and cladocerans in three south-east Sri Lankan lowland reservoirs and its comparison to other tropical freshwater bodies. (Hydrobiologia 350: 145-162.).
  • Amelina, L.G., 1929, The Copepoda of Lake Sevan. (Rep. limnol. stn. lac Sevan 2(3): 31-37.).
  • Amoros, C., 1973, Contribution à l'écologie de Diaptomus castor (Jurine, 1820) (Crustacé, copépode dulçaquicole): déterminisme de l'éclosion des oeufs latents. (Bull. mens. soc. linn. Lyon 42: 235-241).
  • Amyot, M., B. Pinel-Alloul, C. Bastien, G. Methot, C. Blaise, R. Van Coillie & C. Thellen, 1992, Firefly assay of ATP from freshwater zooplankton: comparison of extraction methods. (Environ. toxicol. water qual. 7: 295-311.).
  • Anderson, R.S., 1970, Predator-prey relationships and predation rates from crustacean zooplankters from some lakes in Western Canada. (Can. J. zool. 48: 1229-1240.).
  • Anderson, R.S., 1970a, Diaptomus (Leptodiaptomus) connexus Light, 1938 in Alberta and Saskatchewan. (Can. J. zool. 48: 4147.).
  • Anderson, R.S., 1970b, Effects of Rotenone on zooplankton communities and a study of their recovery patterns in two mountain lakes in Alberta. (J. fish. res. board Can. 27(8): 1335-1356.).
  • Anderson, R.S., 1971, A nomen novum to replace the junior homonym Diaptomus (Leptodiaptomus) intermedius, Anderson & Fabris, 1970. (Can. J. zool. 49(1): 133.).
  • Anderson, R.S., 1971a, Crustacean plankton of 146 alpine and subalpine lakes and ponds in Western Canada. (J. fish. res. board Can. 28(3): 311-321.).
  • Anderson, R.S., 1974, Crustacean plankton communities of 340 lakes and ponds in and near the national parks of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. (J. fish. res. board Can. 31(5): 855-869.).
  • Anderson, R.S. & G.L. Fabris, 1970, A new species of diaptomid copepod from Saskatchewan with notes on the crustacean community of the pond. (Can. J. zool. 48(1): 49-54.).
  • Anderson, R.S. & R.B. Green, 1975, Zooplankton and phytoplankton studies in the Waterton lakes, Alberta, Canada. (Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. 19: 571-579.).
  • Anderson, R.S. & R.B. Green, 1976, Limnological and planktonic studies in the Waterton lakes, Alberta. (Can. wildl. Serv. 27, 39p.).
  • Andrade, E.R. & G.O. Brandorff, 1975, A new species of Diaptomidae (Crustacea, Copepoda), Diaptomus negrensis, from lakes near Manaus. (Acta amaz. 5(1): 97-103.).
  • Andrei, M. & G. Gandolfi, 1965, I laghi di Val Nure (Apennino Piacentino). (Boll. pesca piscic. idrobiol. 41(20)(n. s.)(1): 61-142.).
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  • Andronov, V.N., 1974, Les rapports phylogénétiques dans le Sous-Ordre des Calanoidea. (Zool. zh. 53(7): 1002-1012. (In Russian).).
  • Angeli, N., B. Pinel-Alloul, G. Balvay & I. Ménard, 1995, Diel patterns of feeding and vertical migrations in daphnids and diaptomids during the clear phase in Lake Geneva (France). (Hydrobiologia 300/301: 163-184.).
  • Anneville, O, JC Molinero, S. Souissi, G. Balvay & D. Gerdeaux, 2007, Long-term changes in the copepod community of Lake Geneva. (J. Plankt. Res. 29 (Suppl.1): 49-59.).
  • Antonsson, U., 1992, The structure and function of zooplankton in Thingvallavatn, Iceland. (P.M. Jonasson (Ed.). Ecology of oligotrophic, subarctic Thingvallavatn. Oikos 64: 188-221.).
  • Apstein, C., 1907, Das Plancton im Colombo-See auf Ceylon. (Zool. jahrb. syst. 25: 201-244.).
  • Ara, K., 2001, Daily egg production rate of the planktonic calanoid copepod Acartia lilljeborgi Giesbrecht in the Cananeia Lagoon estuarine system, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Hydrobiologia 445: 205-215.).
  • Archibald, C.P., 1975, Experimental observations on the effects of predation by goldfish (Carassius auratus) on the zooplankton of a small saline lake. (J. fish. res. board Can. 32(9): 1589-1594.).
  • Arcifa, M.S., 1984, Zooplankton composition of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil. (Hydrobiologia 113: 137-146.).
  • Arcos, F., 1978, Distribucion de la biomasa planctonica y copépodos en la parte interior del Golfo de Guyaquil. (Rev. com. perm. Pac. Sur 9: 41-50.).
  • Armengol, J., 1976, Crustáceos acuáticos del coto de DoÔana. (Oecol. aquat. 2: 93-97.).
  • Arnason, I.G., 1950, A new species of diaptomid copepod from Manitoba. (J. Elisha Mitchell sci. soc. 66(2): 148-156.).
  • Arnaud, J., M. Brunet & J. Mazza, 1987, Rôle des cellules B de l'intestin moyen chez Centropages typicus (Copepoda, Calanoida). (Reprod. nutr. dév. 27 (4): 817-827.).
  • Arnott, G.H., G.W. Brand & L.C. Kos, 1986, Effects of food quality on the survival, development, and egg production of Gladioferens pectinatus (Brady) (Copepoda Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 37(4): 467-474.).
  • Arts, M.T. & W.G. Sprules, 1987, Energy reserves of three zooplankton species from two lakes with different metal concentrations. (Can. J. fish. aquat. sci. 44: 458-466.).
  • Azémar, E., S. Bouletreau, M. Lionard, K. Muylaert, W. Vyverman, P. Meire & M. Tackx, 2007, Looking for general trends in trophic interactions among estuarine micro-and mesozooplankton. (J. Plankt. Res. 29 (Suppl.1): 135-147.).
  • Bacon, P.R., 1971, Plankton studies in a Caribbean estuarine environment. (Caribbean J. sci. 11(1-2): 81-89.).
  • Baird, W., 1850, Natural history of the British Entomostraca. (The Ray Soc., London 364p.).
  • Baird, W., 1859, Description of several species of Entomostracan Crustacea from Jerusalem. (Ann. Mag. nat. hist., ser. 3(4): 280-283.).
  • Balcer, M.D., N.L. Korda & S.I. Dodson, 1984, Zooplankton of the Great lakes; a guide to the identification and ecology of the common crustacean speccies. (Univ. Wisconsin Press, Madison 235p.).
  • Baldi, E., 1925, I Copepodi lariani. (In: R. Monti. La Limnologia del Lario. Roma: 378-385.).
  • Baldi, E., 1929, Diaptomus salinus v. Daday nel Lago di Pergusa (Sicilia). (Boll. pesc. piscic. idrobiol. 5: 1-22.).
  • Baldi, E., 1930, Studien über Hochseen des Monte Rosa. (Int. Rev. ges. hydrobiol. hydrogr. 24(1-2): 97-121.).
  • Baldi, E., 1931, Ricerche sugli alti laghi della Valsesia e del Monte Rosa. (Boll. pesca piscic. idrobiol. 7: 1-10.).
  • Baldi, E., 1931a, Note zoologiche sopra alcuni laghi della Presanella. 1. Il Lago Gelato. (Mem. mus. stor. nat. Venezia trident. 1(3): 1-15.).
  • Baldi, E., 1931b, Il Diaptomide trasimenico. Contributo al problema della razze dei vulgaris in Italia. (Int. Rev. ges. hydrobiol. hydrogr. 25(3/4): 219-256.).
  • Baldi, E., 1932, Note zoologiche sopra alcuni laghi della Presanella. II. Il Lago Serodoli. (Mem. mus. stor. nat. Venezia trident. 1 (3-4): 1-28.).
  • Baldi, E., 1935, I planctoncti del Lagorai. (Boll. pesca piscic. idrobiol., mem. n°l0, sér. B, Anno 1935-XIII: 147.).
  • Baldi, E., 1935a, Sul problema delle forme locali di Eudiaptomus vulgaris Schmeil nel Lago di Garda e in altri laghi italiani. (Mem. mus. stor. nat. Venezia trident. 3(2): 247-285.).
  • Balseiro, E.G. & B.E. Modenutti, 1990, Zooplankton dynamics of Lake Escondido (Rio Negro, Argentina), with special reference to a population of Boeckella gracilipes (Copepoda, Calanoida). (Int. Rev. ges. hydrobiol. hydrogr. 75: 475-491.).
  • Balseiro, E.G. & M. Vega, 1994, Body size or total length, its significance as an antipredator defense in the Daphnia middendorffiana - Parabroteas sarsi relationship. (Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. 25: 2405.).
  • Balseiro, E.G. & H.E. Zagarese, 1994, Distribucion vertical y resistencia de Pseudoboeckella gibbosa a la radiacion solar. (I congreso y III Reunion Argentina de Limnologia). (Tankay 1: 91-92.).
  • Balvay, G., 1971, Le lac de Barterand. Etude physico-chimique des eaux et composition du plancton. (Le Bugey 58: 39-46.).
  • Balvay, G., 1972, L'évolution de la biocénose planctonique du lac d'Annecy. (Ann. hydrobiol. 3(2): 93-116.).
  • Balvay, G., 1996, Ségrégation spatiale diurne du zooplancton dans le Léman. (Hydroécol. appl. 8(1-2): 143-153.).
  • Balvay, G., 2000, Evolution du zooplancton du Léman. (Rapp. Comm. Int. Prt. Eaux Léman contre pollut., Campagne 1999 : 79-90.).
  • Ban, S., 1992, Effects of photoperiod, temperature and population density on induction of diapause egg production in Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda Calanoida) in lake Ohnuma, Hokkaido, Japan. (J. crustac. biol. 12(3): 361-367.).
  • Ban, S., 1992a, Seasonal distribution, abundance and viability of diapause eggs of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda Calanoida) in the sediment of Lake Ohnuma, Hokkaido. (Bull. plankton soc. Jpn 39(1): 41-48.).
  • Ban, S., 1994, Effect of temperature and food concentration on post-embryonic development, egg production and adult body size of calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis. (J. plankton res. 16: 721-735.).
  • Ban, S. & T. Minoda, 1991, The effect of temperature on the development and hatching of diapause and subitaneous eggs in Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda Calanoida) in Lake Ohnuma, Hokkaido, Japan. (Bull. plankton soc. Jpn, spec. Vol.: 299-308.).
  • Beardsley, A.E., 1902, Notes on Colorado Entomostraca. (Trans. amer. microsc. soc. 23: 41-48.).
  • Ban, S. & T. Minoda, 1992, Hatching of diapause eggs of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda Calanoida) collected from lake-bottom sediments. (J. crustac. biol. 12(1): 51-56.).
  • Banarescu, P., 1990, Zoogeography of Fresh Waters, 3 vol., (Aula Verlag., Wiesbaden.).
  • Banarescu, P. & M. Serban, 1954, Nota preliminare asupra Copepodolor Diaptomide ale faune romîne. (Bul. inst. cerc. pisc. 3(3): 39-52.).
  • Baqai, I.U., P.A. Siddiqui & I. Rehana, 1975, Description of a new species of freshwater calanoid copepod (Neodiaptomus Kingherensis sp. nov.) from Kingher Lake (Sind-Pakistan). (Biologia, Lahore 21: 87-91.).
  • Barnard, K.H., 1935, Scientific results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari Expedition, march to september 1930. (Crustacea. Ann. transvaal mus.16(3): 481-492.).
  • Barrois, Th., 1891, Notes préliminaires sur la faune des eaux douces de l'Orient. I. Sur 3 Diaptomus nouveaux des environs du Caire. (Rev. biol. Nord Fr. 3: 230-234; 277-281.).
  • Barthélémy, R.-M., 1999, Functional morphology and taxonomic relevance of the female genital structures in Acartiidae (Copepoda: Calanoida). (J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK 79(340): 1-14.).
  • Barthélémy, R.-M., C. Cuoc, D. Defaye, M. Brunet & J. Mazza, 1998, Female genital structures in Centropagoidea (Copepoda, Calanoida). (Phil. trans. r. soc., Lond. B 353: 721-736.).
  • Basson, L. & J.G. Van As, 1991, Trichodinids (Ciliophora Peritrichia) from a calanoid copepod and catfish from South Africa with notes on host specificity. (Syst. parasitol. 18: 147-158.).
  • Battistoni, P.A., 1995, Crustacea Copepoda. In: E.C. Lopretto & G. Tellado. Ecosistemas de Aguas continentales. (Metologias para su estudio.: 953-971. Vol. 3. Ediciones Sur, La Plata.).
  • Battistoni, P.A., 1998, Copepoda. (In: Coscarón S., Morrone JJ, editors. Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos, La Plata: Ediciones Sur :519-530.).
  • Baud, A., R.-M. Barthélémy, S. Nival & M. Brunet, 2002, Formation of the gut in the first two naupliar stages of Acartia clausi and Hemidiaptomus roubaui (Copepoda, Calanoida): comparative structural and ultrastructural aspects. (Can. J. Zool. 80:232-244.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1961, A revision of the inland water genus Calamoecia (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 12: 54-91.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1962, Additions to the inland water genus Calamoecia (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 13: 252-264.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1962a, Ecological studies on New Zealand lacustrine zooplankton with special reference to Boeckella propinqua Sars (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 13: 143-197.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1963, A revision of the coastal water genus Gladioferens (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 14: 194-217.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1963a, Parasitic castration of a freshwater calanoid copepod by a cestode cysticercoid stage. (Crustaceana 5: 75-80.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1964, A revision of the Australasian species of the freshwater genera Boeckella and Hemiboeckella (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 15: 180-238.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1964a, A new species of Isias (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the Brisbane River estuary and a comparison of the Australasian centropagid genera. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 15: 239-247.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1965, The planktonic copepoda of the Brisbane River estuary with special reference to Gladioferens pectinatus (Brady) (Calanoida). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 16: 135-350.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1966, A new species and new records of Pseudodiaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida) from the Brisbane River estuary, Queensland. (Proc. r. soc. Qld. 78(5): 49-58.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1966a, The Australian species of Diaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida) and their distribution. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 17: 123-134.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1970, Further studies on some saline lakes of South-East Australia. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 21: 117-129.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1972, Salinity tolerance and osmotic behavior of animals in athalassic saline and marine hypersaline waters. (Annu. Rev. ecol. system. 3: 233-268.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1973, Calamoecia expansa (Sars) 1912; a name to replace the junior homonym Calamoecia australica (Searle) 1911 (Copepoda Calanoida). (Bull. aust. soc. limnol. 5: 41-42.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1974, A new species of Hemiboeckella (Freshwater Copepoda Calanoida) from Western Australia. (Rec. west. aust. Mus. 3(2): 87-92.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1975, Australian estuaries. In: H.A. Nix & M.A. Elliot (Eds.). Managing Aquatic ecosystems. (Proc. ecol. soc. Aust. 8: 41-66.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1978, The occurrence of Paralabidocera antarctica (I.C. Thompson) (Copepoda: Calanoida: Acartiidae) in an antarctic saline lake. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 29: 817-824.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1979, Further contributions to a knowledge of the centropagid genera Boeckella, Hemiboeckella and Calamoecia (Athalassic calanoid copepods). (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 30: 103-127.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1982, The Genus Drepanopus (Copepoda: Calanoida): a review of species in Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic waters, with a description of D. bispinosus, sp. nov. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 33: 161-172.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1982a, Invertebrate fauna and Ecology of temporary pools on Granite Outcrops in Southern Western Australia. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 33: 599-606.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1984, A new species of Calamoecia (Copepoda Calanoida) from South Australia, and comments on three congeners. (Trans. r. soc. S. Aust. 108(3): 147-154.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1985, A new species of Boeckella (Copepoda: Calanoida) from Western Australia, and Comments on Two Other Congeners. (Rec. west. aust. Mus. 12(3): 79-84.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1986, Ecology of the zooplankton of a meromictic antarctic lagoon with special reference to Drepanopus bispinosus (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Hydrobiologia 140: 199-231.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1992, The non-marine Centropagidae (Copepoda: Calanoida) of the world. (In: H.J.F. Dumont (Ed.). Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World. 2. SPB Academic Publishing BV, 30p.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1992a, Fusion of the genera Boeckella and Pseudoboeckella (Copepoda) and revision of their species from South America and sub-antarctic islands. (Rev. chil. hist. nat. 65: 17-63.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1992b, Neoboeckella loffleri (Copepoda, Calanoida) a new species and genus from Bolivian freshwaters. (Hydrobiologia 241(3): 135-140.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1993, The fauna of athalassic saline waters in Australia and the Altiplano of South America: comparisons and historical perspectives. In: S.H. Hurlbert (Ed.). Saline Lakes V. (Hydrobiologia 267: 225-231.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1994, Gladioferens Henry (Copepoda: Calanoida) discovered in Antarctica: G. antarcticus sp. nov. described from a lake in the Bunger Hills. (Polar biol. 14: 253-259.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1995, Distinctive aspects of the Zooplankton of Large Lakes in Australasia, Antarctica and South America. (Mar. freshw. res. 46: 1109-1020.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1996, Inland-water calanoid copepods of Kangaroo, King and Flinders Islands: biogeography and ecology. (Trans. r. soc. S. Aust. 120: 1-6.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1997, Invertebrates of temporary waters in gnammas on granite outcrops in Western Australia. (J. r. soc. West Aust. 80:167-172.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., 1998, New species of Calamoecia and Boeckella (freshwater Copepoda: Calanoida) from Western Australia and Queensland. (J. r. soc. West Aust. 81: 177-182.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E., J.A.E. Gibson, B. Wagner & K.M. Swadling, 2003, Taxonomy, ecology and zoogeography of two East Antarctic freshwater calanoid copepod species: Boeckella poppei and Gladioferens antarcticus. (Antarctic Science 15(4): 439-448.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E. & G.H. Arnott, 1969, A new centropagid genus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from Australian estuarine waters. Aust. (J. mar. freshw. res. 20: 189-198.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E. & H.R. Burton, 1987, Vertical distribution of Paralabidocera antarctica (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Ace Lake, Antarctica, in summer. (Aust. J. mar. freshw. res. 38: 537-543.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E. & H.R. Burton, 1993, Beaver lake, Antarctica, and its population of Boeckella poppei (Mrazek) (Copepoda: Calanoida). (Verandl. Int. Verein. Theor. Ang. Limnol. 25: 975-978.).
  • Bayly, I.A.E. & R.J. Shiel, 2008, Intersexuality in Boeckella triarticulata (Thomson, 1883) (Copepoda, Calanoida): a trap for unwary taxonomists. (Crustaceana 81 (3): 299-304.).
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  • Beaver, J.R. & K.E. Havens, 1996, Seasonal and spatial variation in zooplankton community structure and their relation to possible controlling variables in Lake Okeechobee. (Freshw. biol. 36: 45-56.).
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